Trey Mancini Reveals He Has Stage 3 Colon Cancer And That He's Likely Out For All Of The 2020 Season, If There Is One

In case you missed the story, Trey Mancini left the Orioles in Spring Training to have a "non baseball surgical procedure". As it turned out, he was being treated for colon cancer and on March 12th he had the malignant tumor removed. We were still kinda new to this whole Coronavirus thing so no one really knew how it would impact baseball and how long sports would be derailed. Fast forward 6 weeks and we're still in that same boat. But as he said, if there is an Opening Day in 2020, Trey won't be on the Orioles for it, or at any point this season most likely. 

This is a must-read article by Mancini. He discusses what it's like to be a 27-year-old and being told you have Stage III cancer. It's not a "woe is me" article, he's not asking anyone to feel sorry for him, he's more just talking about how lucky he is that they caught it early. It is heartbreaking to read his words and realize he's basically had all his powers taken away. Instead of mashing baseballs, he will be getting chemo treatment twice a month for 6 months.

Every time I read something about Trey and his situation it feels like a gut punch all over again. He's the face of the Orioles, a guy who everyone loves, and the absolute nicest guy you could ever meet. I said before that I didn't really care if he came back to baseball this season because in the long run, we all just want to see him recover fully and get back to normal. So while this isn't necessarily the biggest breaking news story, it's just a confirmation of how terrible cancer is. 

I also love how he talks about another Baltimore legend, Mo Gaba, a 13-year-old superstar who I've become friends with. Mo has had to deal with his own bouts of cancer and other things way more than anyone should ever deal with. Trey and Mo were friends before this but it's made their bonds even stronger, with Mo now calling Trey to give him advice on how to go about this thing. Baltimore is lucky to have Mo and Trey. Hopefully Trey can get healthy enough to get back on the field, but I just want to see him healthy. 


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